The shoulder is very complex and is comprised of several joints that are held together with tendons and muscles. This type of joint allows for the shoulder joint to move in a large range of motion, as long as it is functioning properly. great range of motion. To help stabilize the joint all of the ligaments in the shoulder must be healthy. The joints around the shoulder also must be in proper alignment. Just one joint being out of algnment can cause shoulder pain and dysfunction that causes chronic shoulder pain.
When a tendon is irritated it can become inflamed and this is called Tendonitis. The overuse of the shoulder through work, sports or improper techniques when performing repetitive activities over time can lead to inflammation. Tendonitis over time can alter the motion of the joint leading to extreme wear on the soft tissues and eventually the tendon can begin to tear. There are 4 major muscle groups that hold the shoulder together. When one or more of these muscles the condition is called a rotator cuff tear.
A bursa is a fluid filled sac that allows for easy movement of the muscles and ligaments over bone. When the bursa becomes inflamed it is called Bursitis. Bursitis is often the result of excessive use of the shoulder. Bursitis can be very painful and can be debilitating. When the condition advances to the point that the joint is unable to function, the resulting condition is called frozen shoulder.
Over time these various injuries and micro traumas that lead to inflammation and irritation of the shoulder joint can lead to arthritis. Arthritis can lead to pain and swelling that can affect motion and quality of life. When the arthritis becomes severe enough it can cause bone spurs that can rub on the tendons and muscle of the shoulder resulting in rotator cuff tears down the road. This is why even mild shoulder pain should be properly evaluated and treated early. It is also easier to resolve the pain the earlier that the cause of the pain is treated.
Shoulder pain shouold not be ignored. Ignoring the wear and tear pain in the shouder can lead to permament injury. Manual adjustments, shoulder exercises and ultrasound can improve range ofmotion, reduce inflammation and help you enjoy a pain free shoulder. Shoulder pain does not have to be part of your life. There is hope. A Chiropractor can evaluate your shoulder and help to restore normal function and reduce inflammation.