Because headaches are so common, some people think that a headache is just a normal part of life! This is not true and we can help; Most likely change your life!
A headache is a sign that somethings wrong. Headaches are not normal. If they were, everyone would experience them. They are a warning signal that something is wrong. By taking medication it only covers up the symptoms until that pill wears off. Then it's right back to the same old headache. Our doctors will examine your neck region to determine if one of the vertebrae are out of normal alignment. If they are, chiropractic can help you with gentle chiropractic care. Headaches are not the result of an aspirin shortage in your body! Drugs only cover up the symptoms and do not address the cause of headache pain. A frequent and overlooked cause of headaches is the misalignment of spinal bones in the neck and upper back.
When bones of the spine lose their normal position or motion, sensitive nerves and blood vessels to the head can be affected. When spinal nerves and related tissues are stretches or irritated, they can produce migraine headaches. Other potential cause include both hormone and chemical imbalances in the body that acupuncture or specific nutrition or herbs may treat.
If a thorough examination reveals reduced range of motion, loss of normal spinal curves, mechanical restrictions, chiropractic care should be considered to treat the headaches.