If you or your loved ones are injured in an automobile accident, it is very important that anyone invovled in the accdient get a thorough injury examiantion. Many new patients to our practtice have pains and degenerative conditions as a result of auto related injuries that were "thought"to be minor at the time of the accident. Many people say they thought their injuries were not that bad and they would just go away on their own. In fact many had went to the hospital after the accident and were told that everything was "normal". Yet their pain continued. X-ray's at the hospital do not always show up what injuries have been sustained in an auto accident. Xray's do not show ligament damage. Missing the underlying injuries associated with an auto accident can be a big mistake and lead to early arthritis. Only a complete injury examination can determine the full extent of your injuries. Only to find out later that the pain lingered on and now painfull degenrative conditions have developed. We highly recommend that if you or anyone else has been in an auto accident to get a thorough injury examination by one of our doctors.
Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to identify these injuries that may not show any immediate symptoms but cause a future problem. Many patients ask “Should I come in if I’m just a little sore?” YES, you should get checked out immediately. If you check out CLEAR and we find no problems, then you can be confident you should have no left over weaknesses or pains afterwards. This injury examination can save you from a lot of pain and suffering later in life.
Remember, nothing is more important than your health, especially when you start to lose it.
You need a doctor who really understands whats involved in the treatment for whiplash and other auto accident injuries. Our doctors and therapists have years of experience in finding and treating these types of injuries.
*If you have been in an accident call our office at (330 724-2225 for an INJURY EXAMINATION. If your examination shows your body is problem free you’ll be released with a clean bill of health and confidence of knowing you’re well. Don’t wait, call today for your INJURY EXAMINATION.