Did you know your foot is made of many little tiny bones? These bones must hold up all of your bodies weight day in and day out. Many people who work on hard surfaces like concrete, hard floors have these little bones get misaligned or not functioning properly pain and discomfort can and usually will result. The foot also contains a many ligaments, tendons and muscles which get strained when one of these little bones in the foot get out of alignment. Slips, falls, athletics, sports injuries, traumas, sprains and strains to our feet can lead to these mis-alignments. We specilaize in treating these mis-alignments to correct alignment issues in the foot. These treatments to the foot can decrease pain and increase function. The proper bio-mechanics and function of the foot are vitally important as these mis-alignments will throw off your walking or step pattern causing knee, hip and lower back problems.

Treatments recommended depend upon the condition we are treating.
We offer alternative advanced care with:

  • Adjustments of the feet and ankles
  • Myofascial Release Technique
  • Kineosiotaping
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Ultrasound

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